Filtered on technology: solr search
Klant aan het woord
Na de fusie stond Atlas, integratie en inburgering Antwerpen in 2016 voor een grote uitdaging. Van verschillende websites 1 website maken, een website die naar verschillende doelgroepen gericht is. Ook naar anderstalige nieuwkomers.
Rekall begeleiden ons om de juiste thematische en vormelijke keuzes te maken en altijd de gebruiker voorop te stellen. We gooiden alle overtollige informatie overboord en kregen een eenvoudige en zeer toegankelijke website vertaald in 6 talen (Nederlands, Engels, Frans, Spaans, Pools en Arabisch) én met voorleesfunctie in het Nederlands.
We konden altijd rekenen op Bert en Ingrid en hun doortastende visie en aanpak. Dagelijks ontvangen we nog complimenten over de gebruiksvriendelijkheid en duidelijkheid van onze site. 2 zaken die we van in het begin cruciaal vonden. Bedankt Bert en Ingrid voor al het werk, de directe aanspreekbaarheid en vooral voor onze ‘award-minded’ site. Claire Koreman, comunicatie verantwoordelijke, atlas integratie & inburgering Antwerpen
Over Atlas integratie & inburgering Antwerpen
Atlas provides information and support for newcomers and organizations in Antwerp.
A complete solution
The organization is new and only had a limited, temporary website. A call for proposals was launched. Ours was chosen because of how we dealt with these issues:
Information architecture
Atlas was created by merging a 5 organizations. Each had its own history - and its own website. Content sometimes overlapped. We did a thorough review of all the information, and created a logical, easy to understand structure for it.
User centered design & testing
The organization has very broad mission statement and a diverse audience. It wasn't easy for outsiders to find the right info on their existing websites. That's because Atlas made the classic 'website should reflect organizational structure' mistake. It made sense to their employees, but not to outsiders. Instead, we convinced them to organize the website around what their clients need. We validated our intuition with a series of extensive user tests, and hard data on usage patterns from their previous websites.
A large part of the Atlas audience doesn't speak Dutch yet. Moreover, a significant percentage only has basic education. The site had to be extremely easy to use, for everyone. We handled this in a number of ways. We stripped out everything that wasn't strictly necessary, so people can't get lost. Navigating is simple: the homepage immediately shows what Atlas does. The drill-down navigation makes it easy to get to the information you need.
Atlas has 300 employees, so the CMS had to be simple and effective. We built a Drupal-based CMS that give the site editors a lot of freedom. Pages are created with modular components, such as text blocks, slideshows, contact details, ... These can be moved around freely. At the same time, the CMS guarantees that content always looks good, also on phones and templates. Site editors don't have to be afraid to do break anything.

Atlas was looking for more than a technical partner - they wanted someone who would help with every step of the process.
Other noteworthy things:
- Events on the website are automatically posted on Uit in Vlaanderen. No need to enter the information twice. Creating events with ticket sales or registration is easy. We integrated the CMS with EventBrite. Again: no need to enter data twice. Site editors simply indicate that an event requires ticket sales. A corresponding EventBrite event is automatically created and kept in sync with the CMS.
- Form builder: allows creating user-friendly forms of any complexity.
- Multi-language: content can be made available in multiple languages, including left-to-right languages such as Arabic.
- High-quality search engine, based on Solr. Provides extremely good search results, including partial matches, proper language handling, ...

Annual reports
In a very short time we were able to build a system where atlas could input the data for their annual reports themselves.

Custom newsletter templates

Voor dit project waren wij verantwoordelijk voor: user testing, informatie architectuur, design, frontend, programmatie.